- +6012 2802781 / +6016 3827671
- info@nqc.com.my

extraordinary dreams
organisations to maximise their productivity.
// our services
What We Do
We create and provide solutions and programs that enable organisations to increase their competitive edge and deliver results beyond their current performance. It is our dedication to excellence and setting high standards that see our clients soar to a new degree in productivity consistently.
Our core service is to provide training and building of skills for IT and Business, as well as Solution Services that no
government statutory bodies or other organizations can do without.
Information Technology Training
Basic application, design and multimedia, advanced technical networking, programming and security skills, you name it. We have a wide range of certification programs from Microsoft, Cisco, Adobe, Autodesk, Comptia, ITIL, Linux, Oracle, and many more.
Business Skills Training
Our consultants offer specific business expertise to help our clients realise the results in every aspect of business
processes. Here’s where you come in: we will be working closely with you, together, we will discover the solutions to your
business problems, however complex it may be.
Solution Services
All of NQC’s solutions services offerings are completely flexible. We customise our approach to each company and
engagement, either assuming full responsibility, share the responsibility with the customer, or just providing the
resources required using a just-in-time approach.
// our capabilities
Why Choose Us
Content customisation to fit learning objectives.
Pre and post assessments to determine training effectiveness.
Blended Learning
Offers instructor-led training, consulting, on the job coaching or a combination of these.
Flexible Schedules
Wide choice of class schedules available every day inclusive of weekends and evenings.
We Come To You
We can deliver our programs in house or on site.
Training Needs Analysis
Discovering areas for improvement by determining the cause factors.
// our clients
Who We Have Worked With

// our highlights
Events & Highlights
// authorisation and strategic alliances
Registered With
Human Resource
Development Fund -
HRDF Training Provider
of Finance
Human Resource
Development Fund -
HRDF Claimable